Solid PVC Industrial Grade SupraTile. 4.5mm thick, Stocked in Coin or Textured (orange peel type finish) patterns.
Ideal for residential garages, foot traffic, storerooms, locker areas, offices, vestibules, lobbies, and thousands of other uses. These tiles are approved for light vehicular traffic.
Black, Dark/Light Gray colors $2.97/sq ft ($8.60 per tile). Other colors $4.19/sq ft ($12.15 per tile).
Tiles are oversize 20.5″square (2.9 sq ft/tile). Measure area and divide by 2.9 to determine number tiles required.
**Lead times can vary depending on color and season. Light gray and dark gray are typically in stock. Please call our office (+1-888-810-9018) if you would like to check for color availability. Lead times can be 2-3 months for non in-stock items.