Interlock Flooring FAQ
Supratile interlock flooring FAQ
Using SupraTile has the advantage of not requiring specialist tools other than:
a. rubber mallet to connect the interlocking joints
b. Stanley knife with a concave blade
c. An electric jigsaw or table saw can be used to cut the industrial SupraTile. It is best to use a blade designed for cutting timber.
d. straight edge
e. cutting board and tape measure
f. pencil or chalk marker
Since SupraTile is the world’s largest manufacturer of interlocking tiles, we are able to purchase the highest quality raw materials at competitive prices. Our factory is state-of-the-art and every tile produced is of the highest quality. SupraTile operates to 9001 Quality Standards and any tiles that are rejected are recycled to be used in the production of black tiles.
You can use your SupraTile floor immediately after it has been installed. This is one of the many advantages of the SupraTile flooring system.
We recommend that the tiles can be installed over vinyl and painted floors however when the tiles are to be installed in an area where there is carpet or carpet tiles it is recommended that these are removed before installation.
In the vast majority of applications the tiles can be loose laid and no adhesive is required. Exceptions to this are when the tiles are to be installed in an area where a forklift truck with a very high point loading is being used. Examples of this area:
a. Reach truck or a 3-wheeled forklift truck that is operating in a confined space with very tight turning circles.
b. We also recommend that adhesive is used in installations with extreme variations in temperatures.
c. An area with a south facing loading bay door that is exposed to direct sunlight. The adhesive we would recommend is FBall 81.
If you need further advice please do not hesitate to contact our technical department.
Please refer to our installation and maintenance instructions for a more in -depth guide to cleaning but in general terms we recommend that firstly you sweep or vacuum up dust and then damp [not wet] mop the tiles. Water by itself or with a small quantity of detergent will suffice with either a mop or a rotary scrubber dryer if available. You can use a buffer with a lamb’s wool pad to buff a clean dry floor to an amazing shine. If required you can hose off the floor with your garden hose or a power washer [under 1300 psi].
The tiles are made from 100% PVC compound and we also offer a range of recycled tiles in black and grey.
No we do not recommend the use of SupraTile outdoors.
We recommend that our 7mm industrial dovetail tile is used in environments where forklift trucks or very heavy traffic is present. For all other areas the thickness and surface design is a matter of customer choice.
The SupraTile garage floor tile system has been installed all over the US, providing a clean, dust-free atmosphere that is aesthetically pleasing. There are, however, a few considerations that should be taken into account. Rubber tires will stain almost any type of floor, including bare concrete, painted and vinyl floors. The stain is a chemical reaction and won’t damage the tiles.
What causes the staining? the staining is caused by a component used within the manufacture of car tires called ‘6PPD’ [phenaline diamine]. 6PPD is an anti-oxidant and is added to rubber products to resist environmental attack by ozone and ultraviolet light. It also has other beneficial effects in the moulding of rubber itself. Since it adds to the cost of making tires, manufacturers usually only add it to the softer high performance tires. The staining is dark grey/green in appearance and will show within 4 – 5 hours of the tyre being located on the tile. The stain cannot be removed as it is a chemical reaction between the 6PPD and the surface it is in contact with.
How to avoid the staining issue because the stain is a dark grey/green it is far less obvious in the darker colors and is almost indistinguishable from the color of our Dark Grey/Anthracite tile [which also happens to be one of the smartest and most popular colors]. It is also less obvious in the black and green colors. Light grey, yellow, white and red should be avoided. If you wish to use the lighter colored tiles to brighten up the garage or workshop, design the floor in a layout that incorporates different colors using the darker colored tiles where the car will be parked. The following examples may be of help:
a. use black or anthracite tiles where the tires will sit
b. place strips of black/anthracite tiles where the tires rest
c. add black/anthracite tiles under the engine where oil may drip
Catalytic Converters when the car is running the catalytic converter gets extremely hot and if the car is left running whilst sitting on the tiles it may cause the tiles directly under the converter to expand through the heat. This is only a temporary issue and the tiles will shrink back to their original size once the heat source has been removed. In a busy commercial garage it is worth considering gluing the tiles down in between the lifts or ramps where vehicles may be left with the engine running.
Yes. When installing SupraTile in environments where heavy machinery such as forklifts is in use, we recommend that our 7mm industrial dovetail join is used. The uniqueness of this join provides an interlocking system which is superior to that of our competitors. In some instances it may be necessary to adhere the tiles. For advice on this please contact our sales team.
Yes – because SupraTile is a loose lay system it can be installed on contaminated substrates and can also be used in environments where the substrate is damp as the joins allow for evaporation.
The versatility of the SupraTile range makes it the ideal product for installation in many different environments ranging from industrial and commercial to domestic applications.
No – except for areas that have cracks or missing cement pieces. In this instance, these areas will need to be filled in with a self-levelling compound before SupraTile is installed. All that is then required is to sweep or vacuum the floor before starting installation. It is not necessary to sandblast or detergent wash the floor when the tiles are being loose laid.
At first glance when comparing the price of SupraTile to other flooring systems such as vinyl, paint or resins, it may appear that SupraTile interlocking systems are more expensive. However when you take into account the following points, SupraTiles are a more resilient product that actually costs less.
-The SupraTile range varies in thickness from 7mm to 4mm compared to vinyl, paints and resin which are usually no more than 1.5mm thick. This gives the SupraTile range the advantage of being a more resilient and durable flooring system for your money.
-SupraTile can be laid over damaged, damp or uneven surfaces and unlike other flooring products do not require any special skills to install. In most cases it is not necessary to glue SupraTiles hence saving on specialist contractors, floor screeds and adhesives.
-SupraTile, once installed, can be used immediately hence there is very little disruption to the environment where it is being installed unlike competitors’ products which can often require a period of 24 – 48 hours before the floor can be used, hence saving money on down-time. This is extremely relevant when installing the tiles in a factory or assembly environment.
-Financial companies are often willing to finance the cost of an SupraTile floor as it is not seen as a fixed asset and can be removed and sold again. As a loose lay system it can also be treated as an asset in a company’s accounts and written down annually accordingly. There are tax advantages for companies to do this.
-If moving to new premises SupraTile can be removed and easily installed again.
-SupraTile is 100% recyclable.
Yes, SupraTiles can be used over heated floors.
Please see this help center artcile on our warranties.
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